Roundtable discussion on development of the Northern Province

A roundtable discussion on the development of the Northern Province was held last week hosted by Governor Jeevan Thiagarajah.

Several Ambassadors and High Commissioners and representatives of international organisations attended the discussion which focussed on challenges and opportunities in Northern Province, some of the on-going initiatives and those planned to enhance socio-economic development.

Northern Province Governor Jeevan Thiagarajah, Japanese Ambassador Hideaki Mizukoshi and Centre for Policy Alternative Executive Director Dr. Paikiyasothy Saravanamuttu addressed the forum.

Korean Ambassador Santhush Jeong Woonjin, Thailand Ambassador Poj Hernpol, Vietnam Ambassador Ho ThiThanah True, Malaysia High Commissioner Tan Yang Thai, Indonesian Ambassador Dewi Gustina Tobing were among the diplomats who attended along with India’s Consul General in Jaffna Raakesh Nataraj and Turkey’s Third Secretary Bilal Saglam. 

Among international organisations represented were World Food Program Country Director Abdur Rahim Siddiqui, UNDP Representative Robert Junker, ADB’s Unit Head Portfolio Administration Anura Nanayakkara, World Bank Senior Operations officer Asela Dissanayake and Advisor Husam Abudagga and JICA Chief Representative Tetsuya Yamada. Secretary to Prime Minister Anura Dissanayake and Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in India Milinda Moragoda also attended the meeting.